Home / An Cúinne Gaeilge / Trionna




Sale price€25.00
  • Tá 30 soicind agat le freagra a thabhairt!
  • Is é an buaiteoir an duine le bord lán dioscaí, ach caithfear bheith scioptha
  • Tá 200 cárta sa bhosca, agus trí rud ar théama ar leith á lorg ar gach cárta
  • Gach uair a éiríonn le himreoir trí rud a ainmniú laistigh de 30 soicind cuireann sé diosca ar an bhord imeartha ina cholún féin
  • Is é an chéad imreoir ag a bhfuil colún líonta a bhuann an cluiche

The Irish language version of the game ’30 Seconds’. There are 200 cards in the box, and each card asks for three things on a particular theme. Each time a player succeeds in naming three objects within 30 seconds they place a disc on the playing board in their own column. The first player with a filled column wins the game. If more than one player succeeds in collecting the fifth disc in the same round, it is a tie game and a round – or rounds – of solving must be played until there is one winner.