Home / Brands Q - Z / Shannonbridge An tSean Lady Muga

Shannonbridge An tSean Lady Muga

Shannonbridge Pottery

Shannonbridge An tSean Lady Muga

Sale price€11.50
Sold out
  • Ar fáil anseo ag Standún amháin!
  • Earraí tí bhfuil seanfhocail nó nathanna cainte Gaeilge orthu
  • Suigh síos ar do shuaimhneas le cupán tae
  • Brontannas dheas do dhuine atá thar lear agus ag iarraidh píosa don bhaile a bheith leo
  • An tSean Lady - The Old Lady / Mother

Exclusive to Standun, these novelty Irish saying or 'sean fhocail' as we would say in Irish. This one translates to "The Old Lady or Mother". This mug is a perfect novelty gift for your family, friends or loved ones who have left Ireland, so that they will have a piece of our irish culture with them where ever they go.